Unable to sync Contacts
Hi @Manfred ,
here there are rows with the end missing. The rows at the end of the “…contacts sync…” of the second log.
My opinion is that the sync seems ok, still this XXX#! Android is removing all contacts after the sync.04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] O </POOMCONTACTS:FileAs>
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] O POOMCONTACTS:FirstName
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] O xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] O </POOMCONTACTS:FirstName>
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] O POOMCONTACTS:MobilePhoneNumber
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] O +xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] O </POOMCONTACTS:MobilePhoneNumber>
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] O </Data>
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] O </Add>
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] O </Perform>
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [DEBUG] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] SetFolderSyncStatus(): completed for root
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] O </Folder>
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [DEBUG] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] FileStateMachine->SetState() written 70226 bytes on file: ‘d:\sync\states/4/4/androidc284042444-69c3ad88-c7d5-4720-a5ad-dd01892ae5c9-88’
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [DEBUG] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder ‘root’ changed
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [DEBUG] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] FileStateMachine->SetState() written 893 bytes on file: ‘d:\sync\states/4/4/androidc284042444-69c3ad88-c7d5-4720-a5ad-dd01892ae5c9-fd’
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] O </Folders>
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] O </Synchronize>
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [DEBUG] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] WBXMLEncoder->endTag() WBXML output completed
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] WBXML-OUT: AwFqAEVcT0sDezY5YzNhZDg4LWM3ZDUtNDcyMC1hNWFkLWRkMDE4OTJhZTVjOX04OAABUgNyb290AAFOAzEAAV privacy cut…
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [WBXML] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] WBXML-IN : AwFqAEVcT0sDezY5YzNhZDg4LWM3ZDUtNDcyMC1hNWFkLWRkMDE4OTJhZTVjOX04NwABUgNyb290AAEeUwMxAAFVAzEwAAFXABFFRgMxAAFHAzIwMDAwMAABAQEBAQE=
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [DEBUG] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] DeviceManager->Save(): Device data changed
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [DEBUG] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] FileStateMachine->SetState() written 1612 bytes on file: ‘d:\sync\states/4/4/androidc284042444-devicedata’
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [DEBUG] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] DeviceManager->Save(): Device data saved
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [DEBUG] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionTerminate()
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [ INFO] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] cmd=‘Sync’ memory=‘2.87 MiB/2.00 MiB’ time=‘3.42s’ devType=‘Android’ devId=‘androidc284042444’ getUser=‘user@sync.domain.com’ from=‘’ idle=‘0s’ version=‘GIT’ method=‘POST’ httpcode=‘200’
04/02/2020 09:32:11 [17004] [DEBUG] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] -------- End
04/02/2020 09:32:12 [17004] [DEBUG] [user@sync.domain.com] [androidc284042444] -------- Start -
Hi @Trapulo,
the gap between log on pastebin and the last part you posted is about 9 minutes, but the runtime of the request in your last post is 3,42 seconds. Does it mean that there were a lot of sync requests for contacts which you left out?
My guess now would be that your device is not able process some of the contacts and therefore starts the sync from 0.
@Manfred Yes, it downloads more that 800 contacts, it takes some time. On the phone contacts count grows during this time.
I also tried to clear the server archive, and leave only one contact. Same behavior.
Hi @Trapulo,
can you post the WBXML log with one contact sync and not remove anything from it?
Hi everyone!
I think I may have a very similar problem, but I posted it into another thread :https://forum.kopano.io/topic/3010/unable-to-keep-appointments-after-foldersync
Any ideas for me, @Manfred, @fbartels ?
@Manfred sorry for delay
Here there is the log.
I’ve deleted all contact but one from the server. Then I’ve re-created the account on the phone. It has synchronized (more than one time I see) and this is the log. At the end, I’ve 0 contacts on the phone :(thanks
Hi @Trapulo,
I don’t see any obvious problems in the last WBXML log you’ve posted. Maybe the device isn’t able to process the ServerEntryId or Categories. Or you have something really different in the data you replaced wit "x"s.
Another thing you could try would be to debug the device with the adb.
I see you have log messages to say you have created Fake Inbox and Fake Deleted Items folders. I wonder if the client also requires an Outbox folder. I know that for the zimbra backend we had to add a Fake Outbox folder years ago.
Can you try adding another folder name “Outbox” and folder type 6 (SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_OUTBOX)
You might also need a “Sent” folder - which is type 5 (SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_SENTMAIL)
@liverpoolfcfan yes, I also create some years ago that fake folders for some device I don’t remember.
I tried to add Outbox and Sent yesterday. In fact I did run some resync and currently ALL CONTACTS STILL ARE IN THE PHONE!
I will try to monitor it some days and perform some sync, better with updated data, to check if it has really solved the problem.
Please note that on the phone I always selected to sync only Contacts and not emails or other data. But it’s Android… :(
thanks my friend ;)
I replied in my other post, but this solution helped me as well, big thank you! :)