MDM plugin authentication problem
I have an authentication problem when I use the mdm plugin in Webapp.
Webmail and Z-push are installed on the same machine but both are reacheable on a different sub-domain. When I open the options page in Webapp, I got an authentication error message.
What could I do to solve this issue?
Have you tried changing the mdm configuration file to connect to the correct subdomain?
define('PLUGIN_MDM_SERVER', 'localhost');
Yes! But we use SSO (ntlm authentication) and I think that is the problem.
Yes, this should be it. I am not sure if SSO works with MDM at all. MDM uses the Z-Push webservices which are not SSO compatible.
MDM does not work with an SSO enviroment. In an SSO environment WebApp does not have the password of the user and therefore cannot login to the external service.
It should be a nice feature if I a can use some system account to support an SSO environment.