Multiple copies of drafts accumulating with Thunderbird IMAP
Re: Multiple copies of same message accumulate in Drafts folder with IMAP.
I am having the same problem as described in this thread.
I have just migrated to Kopano and in Zarafa’s gateway.cfg I had imap_expunge_on_delete = yes.
I also have this in Kopano’s gateway.cfg, but to no avail.
I also tried with mail.imap.expunge_after_delete = true in Thunderbird’s configuration.
I can see expunge commands being sent if I trace communication with WireShark.
Hi Erik
@erik said in Multiple copies of drafts accumulating with Thunderbird IMAP:
Re: Multiple copies of same message accumulate in Drafts folder with IMAP.
I am having the same problem as described in this thread.What version of kopanocore are you running?
This one (on Ubuntu 16.04 (obviously :)
@erik said in Multiple copies of drafts accumulating with Thunderbird IMAP:
There was a fix [1] on this which got out on 8.4.x and is in the nightlies as well.
I will check if it is broken again.Bo
@bosim said in Multiple copies of drafts accumulating with Thunderbird IMAP:
There was a fix [1] on this which got out on 8.4.x and is in the nightlies as well.
I will check if it is broken again.Please do.
Just to make sure, this is what I have set in gateway.cfg. I migrated that from Zarafa and assumed it would be the same still.
# Internally issue the expunge command to directly delete e-mail marked for deletion in IMAP. # Set to yes, otherwise drafts will keep collecting until folder # is compacted in Thunderbird (or other IMAP-client). imap_expunge_on_delete = yes
@erik said in Multiple copies of drafts accumulating with Thunderbird IMAP:
Please do.
I’d recommend to upgrade to the newest nightly and try again. It feels like your version was before the fix got merged.
@fbartels said in Multiple copies of drafts accumulating with Thunderbird IMAP:
@erik said in Multiple copies of drafts accumulating with Thunderbird IMAP:
Please do.
I’d recommend to upgrade to the newest nightly and try again. It feels like your version was before the fix got merged.
I must assume so too. I haven’t been able to find a configuration fault that would explain it.
Upgrading will have to wait some more. This is a production system and unless there are more pressing matters, an upgrade is not very desirable. It will at least have to wait for a new stable release.
Maybe I have overlooked something, but I can’t seem to find any stable releases in the community download area. Only nightly builds seem accessible (from the font page).
@erik said in Multiple copies of drafts accumulating with Thunderbird IMAP:
stable releases in the community download area.
Yes, that is indeed the case. We only provide binary packages of the release versions to customers with a valid subscription. All non customers only have access to the latest development builds, or through access to the source could compile releases for themselves.