Updating Z-Push on Univention
When you think, you will update the Univention Apps so that we can solve this problem.
At the moment we are on z-push 2.3.7…Best Theo
@theodorm no update for the Univention apps are planned at the moment. but you can easily use the official repositories on Univention for a while now. See https://wiki.z-hub.io/display/K4U/Updating+Kopano+packages+directly+from+the+Kopano+download+server for steps.
"This feature is only available for customers with a valid Kopano subscription".…
I don’t have a subscription…and It’s seems it’s not so easy to update the the Apps over a current and running installation…or I am wrong… -
@theodorm please read the z-push section on the linked page again.
@fbartels It seems, z-push is free :) Do I have really to de install z-push before?
But I also think to buy a Licences, can you tell me what you charge for 5 Users? -
@theodorm no, you’d need to have the app installed for the steps described on the page to have an effect.
the price is 15€ per user, see https://kopano.com/pricing/
@fbartels Thank you…
One last question, do I have to setup a url for the z-push repo on kopano serveres.I sett in the ucr the following things but It offers anyway z-push 2.3.7
It was also not possible to do this over the console…univention-config-registry set \ kopano/repo/z-push-kopano='true' \ kopano/repo/z-push-kopano-releasetype='final'
@theodorm the app stays at version 2.3.7, but after executing this command you should have package updates waiting (which will bring you z-push to the latest final)
@fbartels unfortunately no changes…
Hi @theodorm ,
I’ve forked this topic, since we strayed further and further away from the original topic.
The file that should be modified by is /etc/apt/sources.list.d/z-push.list. if that lists the repository then you should get the updates.
Hi again @fbartels
I can see this link in the source list file
deb http://repo.z-hub.io/z-push:/final/Univention_4.2 /
It seems it worked…in Software actualisation I got a hint for a Update of the package…
Thank you so much Theo
PS: Will it be also easy to update the other parts of kopano
The only hard thing is to find the right licences type…I have only 3 users, but want also the Webmeeting feature…