Push settings to DeskApp
In a setup with kopano one and kopano deskapp - is there a way to push configs out to the deskapps?
Like setting a disclaimer for certain users or changing their default layout for new mails?
Didn’t find documentation on that - didn’t find much documentation at all to be honest so perhaps I’m just looking at the wrong places?
L. -
Hi @grl,
I have moved your post over into the WebApp subsection of this forum as this is not really related to Kopano One.
In a sense DeskApp is nothing more than a stripped down browser that just display the version of WebApp you have installed on your server. So apart from the initial deployment of DeskApp everything else you can to touch in a users settings are actually the settings of WebApp itself.
The individual users settings are stored in a json object in the store of the user. This object can be read out and modified. One such tool is https://stash.kopano.io/projects/KSC/repos/webapp-tools/browse/webapp_admin
Further reading: