How to open shared inbox in Outlook 2016
Hi there,
We are running Kopano 8.5 and Z-push 2.4.0 on a CentOS 7 server.
We have Outlook 2016 installed on a Windows 2016 RDS with KOE 1.6.282 installed (and visible within Outlook)
We can open a users mailbox, the problem is that we can’t open a shared (non-active) mailbox. In Outlook we can’t find the option to open a shared mailbox. We can open shared mailboxes in the Deskapp.
Can somebody point us in the right direction on how to tackle this problem?Thank you very much for any help.
Kind regards,
Cor van den Berghe -
Hi @acha ,
the desired functionality is explained in For Koe 2.0 (not yet released, but the functionality is already part of the nightly builds) there is also the possibility to open complete stores.
The way to open a store is similar to opening a single folder, but instead you have a checkbox for the whole mailbox.
@fbartels Thanks for explaining. I saw that option, but wasn’t sure if that was the way to go, now I know ;-)
Kinds regards,
Cor van den Berghe