Kopano webapp behind httpd proxy
in /etc/kopano/webapp/config.php
find this line: define(‘INSECURE_COOKIES’,false); and set it to true: define(‘INSECURE_COOKIES’,true);
restart apache2 and test if it works. -
Hi this is not the sollution. I believe it had something to do with the url. HTTPd want to redirect me to https://xxxxxx/webapp/webapp/
And ofcourse it Can not find the path?
the location in your ProxyPass is wrong, replace / with /webapp should work.
ProxyPass /webapp flushpackets=On keepalive=Off
ProxyPassReverse /webapp do not use flushpackets=On keepalive=Off.
I jus switched to nginx. But have same problem wat should the proxy_pass be on nginx and the location?
Hello @ckruijntjens,
i bet your apache config on your real webapp-server is rewriting from to
if it does and your proxy does the same and it will append to
change your config in proxy so it wont rewrite and access the server without /webapp. the rest will be done on the webapp-system.coffee_is_life
@coffee_is_life Hi how Can I stop rewrite of the url so that it Will keep ???
In nginx?
@coffee_is_life hi,
i just went to my config again. If i enter the url manual it all works. However when i enter webmail.xxxxxxxxx.nl it redirects me to the root of nginx. I want to redirect to webmail.xxxxxxxx.nl/webapp
How can i do this in nginx without the error to many redirects?
Hello @ckruijntjens,
im not familiar with ngnix configuration, so im not much help there, After googling “ngnix config rewrite rule” i found this:
https://www.nginx.com/blog/creating-nginx-rewrite-rules/so i thing there must be something like this:
server { rewrite ^(/webmail.xxxxxx.nl/)$ $1/webapp break; rewrite ^(/webmail.xxxxxx.nl\//)$ https://webmail.xxxxxxxx.nl/webapp break; }
the breake will cause nginx to stop the rewriting otherwise it may append these changes.
The “$” in the regex is used to define that here is the end of the url.you need to check if ngnix is interpreting http and https before the regex, then you need to change
rewrite ^(/webmail.xxxxxx.nl//)$ https://webmail.xxxxxxxx.nl/webapp break; to this:
rewrite ^(https://webmail.xxxxxx.nl//)$ https://webmail.xxxxxxxx.nl/webapp break;in addition nginx provides a rewrite_log:
Syntax: rewrite_log on | off; Default: rewrite_log off; if set to on, nginx will log rewritings into error.log on level NOTICE
try with these and report back :)
ProxyPass /webapp
ProxyPassReverse /webapp Just did the above in my apache (httpd) server to check if this is correct. However if i do the above it get an access denied error. (No access)
You don’t have permission to access / on this server. -
On our Proxmox servers we use with Apache something like this:
<IfModule mod_ssl.c> <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName example.de ServerAdmin webmaster@example.de DocumentRoot /var/www/html ProxyRequests Off ProxyPreserveHost On <Location /webapp> ProxyPass ProxyPassReverse </Location> <Location /caldav> ProxyPass ProxyPassReverse </Location> <Location /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync> ProxyPass ProxyPassReverse </Location> ... </VirtualHost> </IfModule>
And for nginx something like:
server { listen *:443 ssl; server_name example.de; ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- ## SSL Settings ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- ssl on; ssl_certificate ... ssl_certificate_key ... include /etc/nginx/conf.d/ssl.conf; ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Log File Settings ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; location /webapp { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host:$server_port; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; # proxy_buffering off; access_log /var/log/nginx/webapp.access.log main; proxy_redirect http://example.de:80 https://example.de; } ... } map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade { default upgrade; '' close;