Z-Push no longer works after switch from Zarafa to Kopano and local install to packaged version
Hi kitserve,
the fact that there’s an OPTIONS request coming from the mobile device indicates that it is able to connect to the server. However I don’t have any idea why it won’t continue. It sounds silly, but have you tried turning the mobile off and on again and creating account then?
It’s generally worth asking the silly questions, but yes, I have tried that several times!
Hi kitserve,
do you remember which Z-Push version was before? Have you tried to remove the device with z-push-admin and recreate account again?
Could you post the Z-Push config files of apache?
Sorry, I don’t remember the previous version but it was relatively recent. It was certainly upgraded within the last few months. Yes, I deleted all of my user data with z-push-admin and tried to add the device again. The Apache config contains the default Z-Push options. I just copy and pasted it back in from the official .deb to make sure we weren’t missing anything:
# Z-Push - ActiveSync over-the-air - default Apache configuration <IfModule mod_alias.c> Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /usr/share/z-push/index.php </IfModule> <Directory /usr/share/z-push> # Don't list a directory index, follow symlinks (maybe state dir is somewhere linked) DirectoryIndex index.php Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks # Z-push requirements php_value magic_quotes_gpc off php_value magic_quotes_runtime off php_value register_globals off php_value short_open_tag on # Optional # php_value display_errors off # Setting memory limit higher (larger attachments) php_value memory_limit 128M # Security # Don't allow .htaccess Overrides, disallow access to files AllowOverride none <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c> Order allow,deny allow from all </IfModule> <IfModule mod_authz_core.c> Require all granted </IfModule> <Files "config.php"> <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c> Deny from All </IfModule> <IfModule mod_authz_core.c> Require all denied </IfModule> </Files> </Directory>
I can only imagine that this is some configuration/permission issue… But as you said, Android is working so this seems not to be the case.
I have seen once that iOS completely refused to connect to the server. The only solution was there to remove the account from the device and to add it again.
You could try that (again).Sorry, no further ideas.
Things got even weirder. I just switched Z-Push over to a manual install in /usr/local/share/z-push using the latest tarball, and it worked with no problems. I diffed the main config and the Kopano backend config, and they are functionally identical. Totally perplexed by this. Perhaps it is some quirk of our server config but it’s hard to know what it could be. It’s frustrating that we can’t use the repo packaged version of Z-Push, but given that it’s working now and I have already sunk far too many hours into fixing it, I’m not going to spend more time on it now! Thanks for all your help.
After testing it last night and verifying that everything was working, I got up this morning to discover that it had stopped working again! I don’t think words can express quite how frustrated I am with Z-Push at the moment!
Hello @kitserve ,
if you have a subscription I would recommend to get into contact with our support to have someone take a closer look at your system.
Meanwhile you could also have a look at your Apache configuration. That it stopped working over night makes me think this has to do with the nightly log rotation (e.g. an Apache reload). Maybe you have vhosts conflicting with the z-push one?
Hi @kitserve ,
I understand that u’re really frustrated.
I can offer you to test it with windows mail or an android mail client as reference - if you send me a test-account.
Your z-push Config looks similar to mine - its just the default config from the repo.
best regards -
More news. I’m not going to say that it’s fixed as I don’t want to be premature, but I made an interesting discovery. If I disable PHP’s opcache then things seem to start working again. Two devices now seem to be working for over an hour. I’m going to check again tomorrow and get the other users to test before I get too excited. My guess is that something device specific is getting cached, and that’s what’s causing things to break. My inital reports each time about devices working could be due to the first connection occurring when the cache is empty. I’ll update tomorrow about whether it’s still working this time.
@Merlin2104 Thanks, I appreciate the offer. Hopefully that won’t be necessary.
@fbartels Unfortunately we don’t have a subscription, otherwise I would have contacted support already! I’m 99% certain that our Apache vhosts are fine, as we didn’t change any of them, and only one of them is configured to access Z-Push.
Okay, I can pretty confidently say that the problem is with opcache. Both the locally installed and packaged versions of Z-Push work when opcache is disabled. For some reason I can’t get opcache.blacklist_filename to play ball, so I have to completely disable opcache to get Z-Push to work. As we’re hosting a number of other sites I’ve had to proxy Z-Push through to FPM, with opcache disabled on FPM, and leave everything else running on mod_php so that it can still use opcache. Any ideas what might be causing the problem? I see from the Z-Push documentation that opcache is supported, and I haven’t noticed it causing problems with any of our other sites or services. Here is our relevant config from php.ini:
[opcache] opcache.enable=1 ;opcache.enable_cli=0 opcache.memory_consumption=256 ;opcache.interned_strings_buffer=4 ;opcache.max_accelerated_files=2000 ;opcache.max_wasted_percentage=5 ;opcache.use_cwd=1 ;opcache.validate_timestamps=1 ;opcache.revalidate_freq=2 ;opcache.revalidate_path=0 ;opcache.save_comments=1 ;opcache.load_comments=1 ;opcache.fast_shutdown=0 ;opcache.enable_file_override=0 ;opcache.optimization_level=0xffffffff ;opcache.inherited_hack=1 ;opcache.dups_fix=0 ;opcache.blacklist_filename= ;opcache.max_file_size=0 ;opcache.consistency_checks=0 ;opcache.force_restart_timeout=180 ;opcache.error_log= ;opcache.log_verbosity_level=1 ;opcache.preferred_memory_model= ;opcache.protect_memory=0
As you can see, everything is at the defaults except for the memory consumption.
PHP 5.6.30+dfsg-0+deb8u1
Apache 2.4.10-10+deb8u11 -
Hi kitserve,
now that you mentioned opcache I remember that there were some users who had similar issues with Z-Push and opcache. However I’ve seen other servers with opcache enabled and iOS devices syncing without issues.
What apache modules do you have enabled? Maybe one of them interferes with opcache and Z-Push?
Maybe! I’ve no idea which might or might not conflict. Here are the modules:
user@host:~$ ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ access_compat.load authn_core.load autoindex.conf dir.load headers.load negotiation.load proxy_fcgi.load reqtimeout.load ssl.load actions.conf authn_file.load autoindex.load env.load mime.conf pagespeed.conf proxy_html.conf rewrite.load status.conf actions.load authz_core.load cgi.load expires.load mime.load pagespeed.load proxy_html.load setenvif.conf status.load alias.conf authz_groupfile.load deflate.conf fastcgi.conf mpm_prefork.conf php5.conf proxy_http.load setenvif.load xml2enc.load alias.load authz_host.load deflate.load fastcgi.load mpm_prefork.load php5.load proxy.load socache_shmcb.load auth_basic.load authz_user.load dir.conf filter.load negotiation.conf proxy.conf reqtimeout.conf ssl.conf
Hi kitserve,
in the past there was an issue with pagespeed: https://forums.zarafa.com/showthread.php?11592-devId-and-devType-allways-empty&highlight=pagespeed
Interesting. That seems to have fixed it, thanks for the pointer. Strange that it only broke for us with the new version of Z-Push.