Does Kopano Core still work with old MAPI client (Outlook 2010)?
we still have OL 2010 w/ old MAPI clientversion: & and wonder if we have to move to OL 2013 or 2016 at same time if we upgrade our Zarafa Core 7,2,6,10 to latest stable Kopano Core? Or ist it possible to work with OL 2010 and old MAPI clients for a while with Kopano Core?
Robert -
Hi @pro123 ,
Yes as long as it’s a fairly recent Mapi client it will still work with Kopano (at least for the time being).
Hi Felix,
OK :) In Univention Appstore I found only (quite old) version from June 2017. Should we take this or do you recommend another (manually) installed version or to maybe wait few days for new versions in Univention Appstore?
THX again,
Robert -
Hi @pro123 ,
the Kopano apps in the appcenter are only updated if its necessary to keep them working with the latest Kopano version. Customers are encouraged to enable the hooks described in to update the the latest available releases (this link is also part of the Univention apps).