KC Active Directory and Windows Server 2016 Datacenter
Hello everyone,
I have trouble to implement AD into KC (test lab environment). I installed the Kopano AD Extension, created some basic users and set them all active…for testing purposes I pass on ssl etc. . On my Univention system I see those users and did a setup like the KC Administrator guide told me. However, I can’t login into WebApp.
The /var/log/kopano/server.log gives me the 1st hint:
Fri Oct 6 12:32:42 2017: [warning] ***Authentication by plugin failed for user "peter": Trying to authenticate failed: peter not found in LDAP; username = peter*** Fri Oct 6 12:32:42 2017: [warning] Failed to authenticate user "peter" from "file:///var/run/kopano/server.sock" using program "apache2" Fri Oct 6 12:32:43 2017: [debug ] Accepted incoming connection from file:///var/run/kopano/server.sock
So far, I simply queried the main DC to spill out everything he has:
ldapsearch -x -h dc-root2016.homelab.loc -b "dc=homelab,dc=loc" # extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # base <dc=homelab,dc=loc> with scope subtree # filter: (objectclass=*) # requesting: ALL # # search result search: 2 result: 1 Operations error text: 000004DC: LdapErr: DSID-0C090A22, comment: In order to perform this opera tion a successful bind must be completed on the connection., data 0, v3839 # numResponses: 1
ldapsearch -x -h dc-root2016.homelab.loc -D "uid=dummy,dc=homelab,dc=loc" -W -b "dc=homelab,dc=loc" Enter LDAP Password: ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49) additional info: 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C09042A, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v3839
ldapsearch -x -LLL -E pr=200/noprompt -h dc-root2016.homelab.loc -D "dummy@homelab.loc" -W -b "cn=schema,cn=configuration,dc=homelab,dc=loc" -s base
works ! But when I issue this:
ldapsearch -x -h dc-root2016.homelab.loc -D "uid=dummy,dc=homelab,dc=loc" -W -b "dc=homelab,dc=loc" Enter LDAP Password: ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49) additional info: 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C09042A, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v3839
I can’t authenticate again.
Obviously, there is a binding/authentication issue…however I’ve no clue actually how to fix it. The KC Manual mentioned to install the ADLS Role on my DC --what I did-- but without further configuration ?!
To clarify my configs, here my ldap and server.cfg (all test environment, so no sensible data).
!include /usr/share/kopano/ldap.active-directory.cfg ldap_uri = ldap://dc-root2016.homelab.loc:389 ldap://dc-second2016.homelab.loc:389 ldap_bind_user = cn=stephan,cn=users,dc=homelab,dc=loc ldap_bind_passwd = Password1234 ldap_page_size = 1000 ldap_search_base = dc=homelab,dc=loc ldap_nonactive_attribute = kopanoSharedStoreOnly ldap_sendas_relation_attribute = uidNumber ldap_user_unique_attribute = entryUUID ldap_group_search_filter = (&(kopanoAccount=1)(objectClass=kopano-group)) ldap_emailaliases_attribute = mailAlternativeAddress ldap_emailaddress_attribute = mailPrimaryAddress ldap_quota_multiplier = 1048576 ldap_user_type_attribute_value = kopano-user ldap_user_search_filter = (kopanoAccount=1) ldap_authentication_method = bind
server_bind = server_tcp_enabled = yes server_tcp_port = 236 server_pipe_enabled = yes server_pipe_name = /var/run/kopano/server.sock server_pipe_priority = /var/run/kopano/prio.sock server_name = ucs-server server_hostname = database_engine = mysql allow_local_users = yes local_admin_users = root kopano owner_auto_full_access = true system_email_address = postmaster@localhost run_as_user = kopano run_as_group = kopano coredump_enabled = yes session_timeout = 300 tmp_path = /tmp log_method = file log_file = /var/log/kopano/server.log log_level = 6 log_timestamp = 1 audit_log_enabled = yes audit_log_method = syslog audit_log_file = /var/log/kopano/audit.log audit_log_level = 1 audit_log_timestamp = 1 mysql_host = localhost mysql_port = 3306 mysql_user = kopanoDbUser mysql_password = fzRnuPgpp1 mysql_socket = mysql_database = kopano attachment_storage = files attachment_files_fsync = yes attachment_path = /var/lib/kopano/attachments attachment_compression = 6 server_ssl_enabled = yes server_ssl_port = 237 server_ssl_key_file = /etc/kopano/ssl/server.pem server_ssl_key_pass = replace-with-server-cert-password server_ssl_ca_file = /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem server_ssl_ca_path = server_ssl_ciphers = ALL:!LOW:!SSLv2:!EXP:!aNULL server_ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = no sslkeys_path = /etc/kopano/sslkeys threads = 8 watchdog_frequency = 1 watchdog_max_age = 500 server_max_keep_alive_requests = 100 server_recv_timeout = 5 server_read_timeout = 60 server_send_timeout = 60 softdelete_lifetime = 30 sync_lifetime = 90 sync_log_all_changes = yes enable_sso = no enable_gab = yes auth_method = plugin pam_service = passwd cache_cell_size = 256M cache_quota_size = 1M cache_quota_lifetime = 1 cache_acl_size = 1M cache_store_size = 1M cache_user_size = 1M cache_userdetails_size = 25M cache_userdetails_lifetime = 0 cache_server_size = 1M cache_server_lifetime = 30 quota_warn = 0 quota_soft = 0 quota_hard = 0 companyquota_warn = 0 user_plugin = ldap user_plugin_config = /etc/kopano/ldap.cfg plugin_path = /usr/lib/kopano createuser_script = /etc/kopano/userscripts/createuser deleteuser_script = /etc/kopano/userscripts/deleteuser creategroup_script = /etc/kopano/userscripts/creategroup deletegroup_script = /etc/kopano/userscripts/deletegroup createcompany_script = /etc/kopano/userscripts/createcompany deletecompany_script = /etc/kopano/userscripts/deletecompany user_safe_mode = no thread_stacksize = 512 enable_hosted_kopano = false enable_distributed_kopano = false storename_format = %f loginname_format = %u client_update_enabled = false client_update_path = /var/lib/kopano/client client_update_log_level = 1 client_update_log_path = /var/log/kopano/autoupdate hide_everyone = no hide_system = yes search_enabled = yes search_socket = file:///var/run/kopano/search.sock search_timeout = 10 enable_enhanced_ics = yes enable_sql_procedures = no sync_gab_realtime = no disabled_features = imap pop3 max_deferred_records = 0 max_deferred_records_folder = 20 restrict_admin_permissions = no embedded_attachment_limit = 20 proxy_header =
Has someone a hint or suggestion what to do next ?
@flyingpenguinman said in KC Active Directory and Windows Server 2016 Datacenter:
!include /usr/share/kopano/ldap.active-directory.cfg
what are the ldap port settings ?
can you post the ldap.active-directory.cfg toorg
Christian -
ldap_last_modification_attribute = uSNChanged ldap_object_type_attribute = objectClass ldap_user_type_attribute_value = user ldap_group_type_attribute_value = group ldap_contact_type_attribute_value = contact ldap_company_type_attribute_value = organizationalUnit ldap_addresslist_type_attribute_value = kopanoAddresslist ldap_dynamicgroup_type_attribute_value = kopanoDynamicGroup ldap_server_type_attribute_value = computer ldap_user_search_filter = (objectCategory=Person) ldap_user_unique_attribute = objectGuid ldap_user_unique_attribute_type = binary ldap_fullname_attribute = cn ldap_loginname_attribute = sAMAccountName ldap_password_attribute = unicodePwd ldap_authentication_method = bind ldap_emailaddress_attribute = mail ldap_emailaliases_attribute = otherMailbox ldap_isadmin_attribute = kopanoAdmin ldap_nonactive_attribute = kopanoSharedStoreOnly ldap_resource_type_attribute = kopanoResourceType ldap_resource_capacity_attribute = kopanoResourceCapacity ldap_sendas_attribute = kopanoSendAsPrivilege ldap_sendas_attribute_type = dn ldap_sendas_relation_attribute = distinguishedName ldap_user_certificate_attribute = userCertificate !propmap /usr/share/kopano/ldap.propmap.cfg ldap_group_search_filter = (objectCategory=Group) ldap_group_unique_attribute = objectSid ldap_group_unique_attribute_type = binary ldap_groupname_attribute = cn ldap_groupmembers_attribute = member ldap_groupmembers_attribute_type = dn ldap_groupmembers_relation_attribute = ldap_group_security_attribute = groupType ldap_group_security_attribute_type = ads ldap_company_search_filter = ldap_company_unique_attribute = objectGUID ldap_company_unique_attribute_type = binary ldap_companyname_attribute = ou ldap_company_view_attribute = kopanoViewPrivilege ldap_company_view_attribute_type = dn ldap_company_view_relation_attribute = ldap_company_admin_attribute = kopanoAdminPrivilege ldap_company_admin_attribute_type = dn ldap_company_admin_relation_attribute = ldap_company_system_admin_attribute = kopanoSystemAdmin ldap_company_system_admin_attribute_type = dn ldap_company_system_admin_relation_attribute = ldap_addresslist_search_filter = ldap_addresslist_unique_attribute = cn ldap_addresslist_unique_attribute_type = text ldap_addresslist_filter_attribute = kopanoFilter ldap_addresslist_search_base_attribute = kopanoBase ldap_addresslist_name_attribute = cn ldap_dynamicgroup_search_filter = ldap_dynamicgroup_unique_attribute = cn ldap_dynamicgroup_unique_attribute_type = text ldap_dynamicgroup_filter_attribute = kopanoFilter ldap_dynamicgroup_search_base_attribute = kopanoBase ldap_dynamicgroup_name_attribute = cn ldap_quota_userwarning_recipients_attribute = kopanoQuotaUserWarningRecipients ldap_quota_userwarning_recipients_attribute_type = text ldap_quota_userwarning_recipients_relation_attribute = ldap_quota_companywarning_recipients_attribute = kopanoQuotaCompanyWarningRecipients ldap_quota_companywarning_recipients_attribute_type = text ldap_quota_companywarning_recipients_relation_attribute = ldap_quotaoverride_attribute = kopanoQuotaOverride ldap_warnquota_attribute = kopanoQuotaWarn ldap_softquota_attribute = kopanoQuotaSoft ldap_hardquota_attribute = kopanoQuotaHard ldap_userdefault_quotaoverride_attribute = kopanoUserDefaultQuotaOverride ldap_userdefault_warnquota_attribute = kopanoUserDefaultQuotaWarn ldap_userdefault_softquota_attribute = kopanoUserDefaultQuotaSoft ldap_userdefault_hardquota_attribute = kopanoUserDefaultQuotaHard ldap_quota_multiplier = 1048576 ldap_addressbook_hide_attribute = kopanoHidden ldap_object_search_filter = (anr=%s) ldap_filter_cutoff_elements = 1000 ldap_user_server_attribute = kopanoUserServer ldap_company_server_attribute = kopanoCompanyServer ldap_server_address_attribute = kopanoHostAddress ldap_server_http_port_attribute = kopanoHttpPort ldap_server_ssl_port_attribute = kopanoSslPort ldap_server_file_path_attribute = kopanoFilePath ldap_server_contains_public_attribute = kopanoContainsPublic ldap_server_proxy_path_attribute = kopanoProxyURL ldap_server_search_filter = (objectCategory=Computer) ldap_server_unique_attribute = cn ldap_search_base = dc=homelab,dc=loc