1.5 beta available for testing
Hello @Feedback-KOE,
we are currently reading a new KOE beta and would welcome any feedback in advance.
The changelog has already been published a while ago and can be found at https://documentation.kopano.io/kopano_changelog/koe.html#kopano-ol-extension-1-5-223
The main points are:
- improved shared folder dialogue with a dropdown of all known users and an additional hint that users should type a name in the field to start searching
- files as email from other applications should be stable again
- fixed a memleak that caused problems when modifying mails for a second time (e.g. flagging after moving)
- new option in the installer to force the classic account creation dialogue
The packages can be downloaded from:
https://owncloud.kopano.com/index.php/s/LwMKaSpJgvh6KTkLooking forward to your feedback!
PS: For the users of the new Kopano Contributor Edition we are currently testing out a Mattermost Channel to easier push information about early access and preview version. what to join that channel as well? Let me know!