autoresponder file is not created
we are using ZCP 7.2.6, with the following /etc/zarafa/autorespond :
AUTORESPOND_CC=0 AUTORESPOND_NORECIP=0 TIMELIMIT=$[24*60*60*7] BASE_PATH=/var/lib/zarafa/autorespond SENDDB=$BASE_PATH/zarafa-vacation-$USER.db SENDDBTMP=$BASE_PATH/zarafa-vacation-$USER-$$.tmp SENDMAILCMD=/usr/sbin/sendmail SENDMAILPARAMS="-t -f"
/var/lib/zarafa/autorespond exists and has 777 rights set.
When we enter the webinterface, after the autoresponder has been set, we get a notice about the autoresponder beeing active (probably a value set in the database).
zarafa-dagent and zarafa-server are running under uid root and do not complain about anything, even with log level set to 6.
Does anyone have an idea what prevents zarafa from creating the file?
Thanks for any hints or suggestions,