Out of Office not Work
My out of Office not Work
in dagent.log with debug mode
] [error ] Command “/usr/sbin/kopano-autorespond” “xxx” “xx” “Out of office” xxx" “/tmp/autorespond.Gn6CPk” exited with non-zero status 1
Fri Jul 7 14:59:08 2017: [11276] [error ] Autoresponder failedWhat ist the Problem
I have some fix for the Problem but ist not correct. chmod 755 /usr/bin/procmail wh is this so and give es a other Solutin
Hello @franktron,
i would recommend to send informations about your KC-version, php and your system.
on top you could:
check your /var/log/message and search for some errors at the same time.
check /etc/kopano/autorespond and make sure the path to sendmail is correct.//wrote before i’ve seen your respond
check permissions on /var/lib/kopano/autorespond - kopano will create a temp-file there.coffee_is_life