kopano-grapi missing endpoints - version dependency?
I have managed to get started writing a python wrapper for kopano grapi. So far I can login and access folders and items (work in progress).
Nevertheless, I stumbled upon a few questions.
I definitely need a way to get the MIME representation of the email. From the MS Graph documentation I understood that this is available via
However, grapi throws an Error 400 here. Is this endpoint already implemented? If not, when would it be expected to be so? Or is there any other way to gather the MIME representation?
The same holds for internetMessageHeaders, which is also not present in the JSON response of a message item. Same here: is it available?
Even though I did not find any hint to any of those endpoints in the source code of grapi, I tried to enable experimental endpoints in the grapi server. However, the server states that there is no such option.
Is this maybe a problem of the version? As our productive system is running 8.7.20, our IT also installed 8.2.70 KAPI/grapi in the tests system. Should we upgrade? Would e.g. a 10.x grapi also work with a 8.7.20 kc backend?
Also /api/gc/v1/me/messages/<message-id>?$select=internetMessageHeaders as suggested by the MS Graph documentation does only return an empty json set (just including the id and odata fields).
None of the following works:
/api/gc/v1/me/messages/<message-id>?$select=internetMessageHeaders /api/gc/v1/me/messages/<message-id>/?$select=internetMessageHeaders /api/gc/v1/me/messages/<message-id>/$select=internetMessageHeaders
How to get the headers of a mail and/or the full MIME representation via grapi. Please don’t tell me that this has not been implemented yet…