SYNC fail : you've tried to save a data in the folder 'Inbox - invoice' on your device 'WindowsOutlook'
We notice that people regularly get syncing errors with Zpush.
In the configuration the people have read only access to another user.
For example the Inbox and calendar items of the mailbox invoice.For unknown reasons the user with read access generates an error that seams to indicate that he altered the specific folder. The user told me he doesn’t. And he might be right perhaps its something as simple that outlook marks it as red (going from bold to regular mailbox item).
But even if he did, then Zpush should simply revert the action by not altering it and not updating it, restore the orginal item, and do it only once not 200 times !!!.
(and more if we left outlook running).However what happens is that in a few minutes we get about 200 messages in the affected user mailbox who want to read the other mailbox that read :
Dear Some User, on 19.02.2021 at 10:14:30 you've tried to save a data in the folder 'Inbox - invoice' on your device 'WindowsOutlook' ID: 'e9c5fdb3fe5c4c129e46390c035f542a'. This operation was not successful, as you lack write access to this folder. Your data has been dropped and replaced with the original data on your device to ensure data integrity. Below is a copy of the data you tried to save. If you want your changes to be stored permanently you should forward this email to a person with write access to this folder asking to perform these changes again. Mail From: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Subject: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Datereceived: 13/01/2015 13:48:38 Read: Yes Flag: SyncMailFlags ( (S) subject => null (S) flagstatus => null (S) flagtype => null (S) datecompleted => null (S) completetime => null (S) startdate => null (S) duedate => null (S) utcstartdate => null (S) utcduedate => null (S) reminderset => null (S) remindertime => null (S) ordinaldate => null (S) subordinaldate => null unsetVars(Array) size: 0 supportsPrivateStripping => false flags => false content => null ) If you have questions about this email, please contact your e-mail administrator. Sincerely, Your Z-Push system
On the internet i found a mentioning :
The template of this email can be edited in the Kopano configuration file.
Sending this email could also be disabled, but this is highly discouraged,
as real data loss will happen and the user will not know about it.So how can we disable this ? ,
The user knows he has no write access here so there is no dataloss here. -
well i found something
linenumber 53 reads:define('READ_ONLY_NOTIFY_LOST_DATA', true);
Changed it to false
Now how to restarts only zpush i wonder, while keeping our webmail up -
Hi @handyman,
after changing php code you do not need to restart your server, als php is read and executed on runtime.
@fbartels ok thanks, i didnt knew how this is implemented
probaply now these clients still try to push something to kopano, though the messages get removed. Maybe something client side needs to change as well for this.