Mattermost installation question
Hi All,
I got some questions. I installed mattermost and i changed the minimal configuration files. However is it possible to go to the mattermost webpage internally?
So http://local_ip:port?
Because this is not working for me?
Before putting it online i ant to make sure its working as expected.
Hi @ckruijntjens,
as long as Mattermost is listening globally (it does not do so by default afair) you should be able to open it without a proxy in between.
Hi fbartels you mean by globally *:portnumber?
@ckruijntjens yes something like that. Don’t know the syntax from the top of my head.
One more question.
i have a reverse proxy that connects to mattermost. after login i see this error:
Please check connection, Mattermost unreachable. If issue persists, ask administrator to check WebSocket port.
what am i missing in my config?
@ckruijntjens @fbartels
allredeay resolved it :-)