Anyone using Samba4 RODC?
Just wondered if there is anyone using Samba4-AD RODC with Kopano? We see something that is most likely a problem with samba, in that kopano attributes does not get synced over to the RODC for all users. Must users get their kopano-attributes synced just fine over to our RODC, but attributes such as kopanoAccount, kopanoContacs does not get their attributes synced. If for example I crate this group, the kopanoaccount attribute will not be replicated over to the RODC :
dn: CN=alle-foreldre,OU=adresselister,OU=skole,DC=ad cn: alle-foreldre instanceType: 4 whenCreated: 20200224055814.0Z uSNCreated: 2201285 name: alle-foreldre objectGUID: 566b6151-8dee-4eed-b360-02fa16d555a7 objectSid: S-1-5-21-206267577-3483035494-2863468509-21373 sAMAccountName: alle-foreldre sAMAccountType: 268435456 groupType: -2147483646 objectCategory: CN=Group,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=ad gidNumber: 61373 msSFU30NisDomain: skole objectClass: top objectClass: posixGroup objectClass: kopanoGroup objectClass: group kopanoAccount: 1 whenChanged: 20200224060019.0Z uSNChanged: 2201309 distinguishedName: CN=alle-foreldre,OU=adresselister,OU=skole,DC=ad,
i had a small peak on this.
can you verify and tell what the group type is used?
And how doe other groups show, if you compair it to above.groupType: -2147483646 << this is related thats not good.
We should see a positive number not - …