Z-push fatal error when connecting through VPN
I am trying to do some testing of Kopano/z-push/Outlook with two different servers, but which should be identical installations of Kopano 8.5.8 and z-push 2.3.9. The purpose is to test the upgrade to 8.7.x. With my local server I can connect with Outlook by Active Sync. The second server is located miles away and I use OpenVPN to connect onto its LAN. When I try to connect with a new profile in Outlook, it always fails:
Log onto Exchange ActiveSync mail server (EAS): The server cannot be found
This happens when I specify the server’s LAN IP or the FQDN which resolves to the LAN IP. I believe it can find the server because every time I try, in the z-push-error.log I get:
[FATAL] [test] Fatal error: /usr/share/zarafa-z-push/lib/utils/utils.php:1144 - Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() (1)
The installations should be the same. Both systems are running ClearOS 7.6 (a Centos derivitive). Both systems use self-signed certs.
I am struggling to see why I can connect to the local server and not the one by OpenVPN
@nickh you’re missing the mbstring php module.
The path to your z-push installation indicates that your are not using our rpm packaging for z-push. Using our packages relieves your from the task to manually enable dependencies.
I found another thread earlier and had installed mbstring. I guess now I have to find out how to enable it. Presumably something else on the other server had sorted that before I installed Kopano.
/etc/php.d contains an mbstring.ini file with the following in it:
; Enable mbstring extension module extension=mbstring.so
I have restarted kopano. Can you tell me what else I might have to do to enable it?
FWIW, ClearOS also uses a sandboxed version of PHP for its webconfig. That similarly appears to have mbstring enabled the same way.
Hi nickh,
you also have to restart the webserver after adding a new php extension (or php-fpm if you’re using it).
Thanks for that. A restart of httpd did it … followed by installing php-soap and another httpd restart.
I’ll have to find out from the package builder what happened to the dependencies.