[Solved]: kcoid certificate error
Hi there,
so, now I’m trying to come up with kopano-meet. First of all, I’d like to solve an simple certificate error:kopano-kwmserverd[26101]: kcoidc: 2019/07/10 13:25:39 kcoid discovery error: Get https://localhost/.well-known/openid-configuration: x509: certificate is valid for *.<mydomain>, <mydomain>, not localhost
The error is obvious, but I am until now not able to find where I can configure the url not to be like localhost/.well-known but <mydomain>/.well-known
Best regards
Thomas -
Hi @q5616417,
this is explained in https://documentation.kopano.io/kopanocore_administrator_manual/configure_kc_components.html#configure-kopano-konnect, The specific option is
. -
Hi @fbartels,
thank you for your answer. I looked it up and I had already configuredoidc_issuer_identifier=https://internal.<mydomain>
I also tried
oidc_issuer_identifier = https://internal.<mydomain>
but still the same result. Is there another place where this can be configured?
hi @q5616417,
in the end the cfg file will be read by systemd and put into environments. How have you installed Konnect? On which os?
Hi @fbartels
sorry, it was again my fault. I only had set this option in konnnectd.conf, but I also had to set it in kwmserverd.conf. Now, I don’t get this error any more.Thank you :)
@q5616417 FYI there are a few more places where you need to set this value. https://documentation.kopano.io/kopano_meet_manual/installation.html#Kopano-configuration should be helpful here.