error when running kopano-storeadmin -M
Debian 9.9
the database returns incorrect user-count and when we run the koano-storeadm -M getkopano-storeadm: symbol lookup error: kopano-storeadm: undefined symbol: _ZN4Json5ValueC1ERKSs
kopano-dbadm k-1216 runs and completes
kopano-storeadm -n “user” -R UID listed by -O option fails with error
[error ] RemoveStore: collision (80040604)
What is the best way to get the database back on track?
Does anyone have a script the would export all data belonging to all active users to another data file?
We have orphaned stores that do not seem to be able to delete. So instead leave them behind and switch the clean file. -
@compsos said in error when running kopano-storeadmin -M:
Does anyone have a script the would export all data belonging to all active users to another data file?
that should be doable with kopano-backup. if you do not pass a specific user it will backup all users on the server.