rhel7 php7.1
hi all,
i have a question regarding kopano versions. now i user the normal kopano install rpm package. is it better to use the “core-” and is it easy to use this package (upgrade)?
Hi @ckruijntjens ,
the package you are referring to is using the Redhat Software Collection for PHP 7.1. These software collections have proven themselves to not be easily handled by administrators, which is the main reason we have not yet included them in the official release (apart from the scl for php 5.6).
We have plans to provide an easier solution for the upcoming 9.0 release of Kopano Groupware Core.
IF you still want to install them you can find instructions based on the 5.6 scl at https://kb.kopano.io/display/WIKI/Use+Software+Collections+for+PHP+5.6+support+on+RHEL+and+CentOS+6+and+7.
PS: the Kopano packages themselves are the same. the only difference for the scl archive is that php-mapi is built against the php version provided by the scl.
hi Ok thank you for the reply!