Create public folder in German
Hey guys,
what is the correct way to create the public store so that it is displayed in German?
Following locales are installed on my system:
# locale -a C C.UTF-8 de_AT.utf8 de_DE.utf8 en_US.utf8 POSIX
This is in my admin.cfg:
# Admin config for kopano-cli server_socket = file:///var/run/kopano/server.sock default_store_locale = de_AT.UTF-8
And this is how I tried to create the store:
kopano-cli --create-store
kopano-cli --lang=de_AT.UTF-8 --create-store
kopano-cli -c /etc/kopano/admin.cfg --lang=de_AT.UTF-8 --create-store
kopano-cli -c /etc/kopano/admin.cfg --lang=de_AT.utf8 --create-store
However, the store is always displayed as “Public Folders” within WebApp:
Kopano Core: 8.6.9
Any help is appreciated :-)
Is it possible to localize the public store after creation? Like
just for the public folders? -
Hi, the language of the public folder comes from the locale the kopano-server process was launched with.
Ah, thanks for the hint!
I created an override for the systemd unit file and set the environment variable:
systemctl cat kopano-server # /lib/systemd/system/kopano-server.service [Unit] Description=Kopano Core Storage Server Documentation=man:kopano-server(8) man:kopano-server.cfg(5) man:kopano-admin(8) mysql.service mariadb.service [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/sbin/kopano-server -F ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID TimeoutStopSec=60 [Install] # /etc/systemd/system/kopano-server.service.d/override.conf [Service] Environment="LANGUAGE=de_AT.utf8"
Halfway there. Now the folder is displayed like this:
Anything else I’m missing?