Z-Push 2.4.1 beta1 release
we have just released Z-Push 2.4.1 beta1 (tag
).This is a maintenance release with some bugfixes.
There was a change in z-push.conf.php regarding default USE_CUSTOM_REMOTE_IP_HEADER value.
You should upgrade to Z-Push 2.4.1 beta1 if you are using fail2ban as Z-Push 2.4.0 might potentially block all requests.
(if you are not willing to upgrade to a beta, then at least check the changes in ZP-1373 and the workaround described here.We have changed folder ownership and logrotation for RHEL-based systems. Please check carefully if everything works as expected, especially if you are using nginx.
In the cases when memory_limit was set to -1 in php.ini the sync wouldn’t work. This is now fixed.
Several smaller bugfixes for caldav, carddav (thanks to Bart for contributions!) and imap backends.
Install Z-Push 2.4.1 beta1 from the pre-final repositories (recommended) Z-Push Wiki.
Tickets in Z-Push 2.4.1 beta1
[ZP-1291] - Cli tools should exit with 0 if called with --help
[ZP-1373] - USE_CUSTOM_REMOTE_IP_HEADER not working with Apache
[ZP-1374] - Include path in imap backend lacks pear folders
[ZP-1375] - z-push-config-nginx has wrong permissions in RPM
[ZP-1376] - Out-of-memory check when memory_limit = -1
[ZP-1377] - Undefined index warnings in imap backend
[ZP-1379] - Undefined offset warnings when impersonating
[ZP-1383] - CARDDAV: Last character of note trimmedImprovement
[ZP-1382] - CALDAV: Out of office / Tentative / Workingelsewhere statusCode changes since Z-Push 2.4.0: https://stash.z-hub.io/projects/ZP/repos/z-push/compare/diff?targetBranch=refs%2Ftags%2F2.4.0&sourceBranch=refs%2Ftags%2F2.4.1.beta1
Please share your experiences (positive and negative) and give feedback!