How could we export Kopano mailboxes
We did searched a while, but could fine any valid option to export our users mailboxes for example to a .pst file.
We would like to move some of our users to Office365, but we dont know how to do this at the moment.The IMAP import option via Office365 didnt worked, cause it says that the remote server has errors, but IMAP is enabled in server.cfg
We saw, that there is an option to select all and zip em, so we have a bunch of .eml files, but there is a limit of 30 MB.
If someone has an idea, we would be very appreciate if you could share your knowledge.
In the past the best option was to use the old zarafa mapi client (depending on the amount of users together with the old migration tool) to export everything to pst.
Sadly there is no good third party library to write a server side pst export.
I may be saying something completely incorrect here.
But can z-push mailboxes from Outlook exported to pst?
That would probably work as well, but requires sync to complete before the pst can be exported. with the old mapi client this could be done through an online connection.
Connect an IMAP client, e.g. alpine or outlook, copy/move mails to local folder, then you have it as mbox or pst, respectively.