Migration ZCP to Kopano - parallel installation possible? Trial subscription needed?
Hi there,
I want to migrate from ZCP 7.1.4 to Kopano.
ZCP runs on Debian 7 and i want to use a new hardware with debian 9 and kopano.
Is it possible to run both systems parallel for a while? Just some days to check the new system before it goes in productive environment. Do I need a trial key for that? If yes, where do I get it?Regards, Klausguenter
Hi @klausguenter ,
sure that is no problem. No trial key is needed.
Edit: you only have to be aware that you cannot upgrade from 7.1 to 8.5 directly. you need to start your database either once with 7.2 or 8.4.
Hi fbartels,
thx for your quick answer!
One additional question: When I run both systems parallel for some days: do I have to enter the subscription key in both systems at the same time, or can I run the new system without any key for a period of time (how long)? -
There is no license check in the Kopano packages at the moment. But the validity of the license key will determine if you can download the supported packages and configure the packages repository.