Webmeetings in Outlook
I remember reading somewhere in the past in one of the Kopano announcements that one of the ideas would be to have a button in Outlook that launches web meetings.
I currently work in an organisation which uses Outlook and Microsoft Skype for business (i.e. lync renamed).
Typically the integration between the two is such that people move from email to chat and back to email all the time within the product.
Thefore having some sort of integration between Outlook based on Kopano and its web meetings I think would be essential to be able to capture that market.
It would mean that companies using Outlook + skype can fully migrate to Kopano and not only the email part.
Hello @mcostan ,
yes, we indeed already thought about something similar for the 1.4 version of the Kopano OL Extension. On quick improvement we would see would be to easy the adding of meeting urls to appointments (as WebApp does), see https://jira.kopano.io/browse/KOE-72 for the ticket.
Yes that would be a good start, but one of the integrations between Outlook and Skype (Lync) is that you can click on the person in the email and instantly you start the meeting… Not sure whether that’s possible with web meetings, but obviously being able to launch it as you say form KOE is a good start.