kopano-fsck errors
Hi All,
i have some trouble with a account. I see that the account only syncs one item at a time because of a loop detection.
I did a kopano-fsck on the user. I get the following statics
Folders: 2
Entries: 771
Problems: 31
Fixed: 31
Deleted: 0
Folders: 7
Entries: 1168
Problems: 0
Fixed: 0
Deleted: 0
Folders: 1
Entries: 0
Problems: 0
Fixed: 0
Deleted: 0I did a autofix. it tells me that its fixed but if i run it again i get the same statics. All the 31 errors are recuring callendar items. i also tried to delete the items. When deleted all is ok. If i recreate the recuring calendar items the error returns for all 31 items. How can we resolve this? Or is this a bug in the latest build.
I run the following.
Debian Buster
Kopano Core:
11.0.2 -
No one that can help me?
Hi @ckruijntjens
can you tell which client you used to recreate the recurring items?
Normally the item causing a loop is listed with z-push-admin. Do you see the item there maybe with more details why this item is looping.
Mathias -
Hi. Yes i created it with the kopano webapp. All 31 items are yearly recuring calendar items. there is no reason given why these items are looping.
when i delete and recreate the recuring item again it will loop on these items.
here is one item that is causing a problem.
Validating entry: “Mylo jarig”
Invalid property dispidRecurrenceState - Recoverable recurrence state.
Fix broken property? [yes/no]: yesbut when i run it again it still fails on these items.
I tested some more.it only happens on recuring items. and it does not matther if i create them true kopano webapp or true my mobile phone.
Mobile loop detetion is gone. however kopano-fsck keeps giving me the errors. also z-push gives me this output
/usr/share/z-push/lib/request/itemoperations.php:392 Undefined index: deletesubfolders (8)