Kopano spooler generating empty emails under load
Hello community,
I am facing a problem with Kopano Core 8.7.80. We have a ldap with groups that contain a larger amount of users. We use postfix as MTA. If an email is sent to a group, postifx will change the recipient to the individual recipients email adresses, and deliver via lmtp to Kopano.
If the group has many members, sometimes an email with an empty subject and an empty body is generated and sent with a random sender adress and random recipients.
I suspected that this might be some kind of buffer overflow, so I increased the number of spooler processes, without luck.
What is more, the spooler becomes defunc under load. Only option tis to kill -9 and restart.Since I am a bit out of ideas : Anyone can point my hed into the right direction to look for a solution ?
Thanks ! :-)
Hi @ChrisP,
this sounds strange and is something that I could not reproduce ad-hoc. Can you get in touch with our support so we can have a closer look at your system?
@fbartels Would support even have a look at the community version which is running at our site ? We have no paid subscritions.
@ChrisP if you don’t have a subscription it could be worth reaching out to our sales team. I am sure we can find a solution for you.
@fbartels OK, will ask the head for his OK and reach out to your support upon agreement.
i suggest you update first to 8.7.-latest
8.7.0 - 8.7.1 - 8.7.2 8.7.4 were pretty buggy.