Debian 9 Step by Step
so far all good. ( correction)
if you look in “/usr/share/doc/kopano/example-config/” you will also see .gz files.
You missing these now. -
How about a sql dump file that I can import into mysql after creating the database, adding the user and giving them GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ??
I am very familiar with MYSQL and know how to add databases, users etc etc - all I need is the default sql dump file.
@crankshaft said in Debian 9 Step by Step:
however none of the .cfg files (i.e. /etc/kopano/server.cfg) are created.
This is the expected and documented behaviour.
You do not need to copy over all configuration files, as all services have preprogrammed defaults. You only need to create config files for values that you want to override (like your mysql credentials for example).
Here, my notes for a Debian install.
RANDOMPASSWD(){ < /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c${1:-16};echo; } apt-get install kopano-server-packages kopano-webapp -y --autoremove # Setup the Database SQLDBPWD="$(RANDOMPASSWD)" # Create database and set rights. mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -Bse "CREATE DATABASE kopano"; mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -Bse "CREATE USER kopano@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$SQLDBPWD'"; mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -Bse "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON kopano.* TO 'kopano'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$SQLDBPWD'"; # Or a restriced user with : # mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -Bse "GRANT ALTER, CREATE, CREATE ROUTINE, \ # DELETE, DROP, INDEX, INSERT, LOCK TABLES, SELECT, UPDATE ON kopano.* TO 'kopano'@'localhost' \ # IDENTIFIED BY '$SQLDBPWD'"; echo "Write down you kopano user password : $SQLDBPWD" cp /usr/share/doc/kopano/example-config/* /etc/kopano/ gunzip /etc/kopano/*.gz # ! change the domain here.. sed -i "s/#system_email_address = postmaster@localhost/system_email_address = postmaster@yourdomain.tld/g" /etc/kopano/server.cfg # change the mysql password here sed -i "s/#mysql_user = root/mysql_user = kopano/g" /etc/kopano/server.cfg sed -i "s/#mysql_password =/mysql_password = HIERPASSWD/g" /etc/kopano/server.cfg # enable tls. sed -i "s/#server_listen_tls =/server_listen_tls = *:237/g" /etc/kopano/server.cfg # change secret sed -i "s/#server_secret_key = GEHEIM/server_secret_key = $(RANDOMPASSWD)/g" /etc/kopano/presence.cfg
That should give you a nice start.
@thctlo - Thanks, but I need a kopano.sql dump file to import the tables, triggers etc etc etc - where would I find this sqldump file ?
@crankshaft configure kopano and start it with an empty database,
It will create all needed tables. -
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@fbartels - You do not need to copy over all configuration files… - ahh, that’s useful, I have done that instead.
Thanks so much to everyone that contributed.
One final question, where in kopano configuration do I enter my Serial Number Subscription key ?
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@crankshaft said in Debian 9 Step by Step:
where in kopano configuration do I enter my Serial Number Subscription key ?
The binaries of the server (currently) have no need to validate a license key. As we are 100% open source, there is no code that would need to be triggered by such a key. The subscription key only serves as a means to get access to the repository with the supported builds.