Quota unlimited when migration zarafa 7.2.1 to kopano 8.3.0
we used zarafa for about 4 years and right now doing a migration to kopano.
Most work is done but we are having problems with quota. We use ldap and looking in our production server we see:
Current user store quota settings:
Quota overrides: no
Warning level: 900.00 MB
Soft level: 950.00 MB
Hard level: 990.00 MB
But on virtualized clone with kopano there is:
Current user store quota settings:
Quota overrides: no
Warning level: unlimited
Soft level: unlimited
Hard level: unlimited
I took over the ldap.cfg and ldap.propmap.cfg from zarafa only renamed folders. ldap:propmap.cfg was not including in zarafa.Tanks in advance
as in /usr/share/kopano/ldap.active-directory.cfg parameters are named
ldap_quotaoverride_attribute = kopanoQuotaOverride
ldap_warnquota_attribute = kopanoQuotaWarn
ldap_softquota_attribute = kopanoQuotaSoft
ldap_hardquota_attribute = kopanoQuotaHard
but in zarafa
ldap_quotaoverride_attribute = zarafaQuotaOverride
ldap_warnquota_attribute = zarafaQuotaWarn
ldap_softquota_attribute = zarafaQuotaSoft
ldap_hardquota_attribute = zarafaQuotaHarddid the active directory scheme parameters change? So do i have to install the KopanoADS-1.0-70-noarch.msi to use this? Or is kopano able to work with the zarafa ADS integration?
The schema has a new OID and new names, but other than that is semantically identical, so just editing /etc/kopano to point to the zarafa* attributes should do as a short measure.