automatic update Kopano DeskApp to all clients
Hello all,
in former times when using ZarafaClient there was an autoupdate function that allowed us administrators to push the latest ZarafaClient version to the workstations. As far as I remember this feauture does not exist any more with Kopano.
As there are regular upgrade/releases to Kopano Deskapp we would like to know how we can automatically push those updated versions to all our employees that already have KopanoDeskapp installed on their windows OS. The same question applies to KOL somehow.
Is that somehow possible without the need of using third-party software deployment tools?
noone? how do you guys deploy the latest Kopano DeskApp versions to your workstations ?
@micro It is an msi installer, so you could deploy with via gpo or other means of rolling out software in an internal network.
I’m doing this with desktop management software like: