Lost Attachments
i have changed my old Zarafa 7.1.10 to Kopano 8.6.9 with following steps to a new Server:
Zarafa 7.1.10 -> Zarafa 7.2.5 -> Kopano 8.4.9 -> Kopano 8.6.9.
It works all fine, but i cann’t open Attachments from E-Mail older then 2015. The Webapp and the Deskapp shows the Attachment as “Unknown”. The Kopano-Search works and the indexes are new. On the Zarafa 7.1.x i can open the old Attachments. Have anybody an Idea?
Dieter -
@ichbins that sounds like those files simply do not exist anymore on disk. Since you mention 8.6.9 I assume you have a subscription? In that case I’d recommend to open a support call so that someone can verify this in a remote session.
i know it doesn’t help you much but i migrated straight from Zarafa 7.2.6 to Koano 8.6.9. Attachments <2015 (for ex. 2013) work fine.
perhaps check if you changed something in the directory structure where you store the attachments on disk.
Perhaps Zarafa was pointing to a location and after the migration to another.
Check the kopano configuration files (e.g. server.cfg) vs the equivalent configuration files?
It does sound like the attachments are simply not on disk.
Double check your folder access rights for
/var/lib/kopano/attachments and subfolders.
Had a similar problem and fixed it that way.
Don’t forget to rebuild your index.