Distribution lists and Outlook - Collection of strategies how to handle this problem
Hello together.
I’d like to collect strategies how one can deal with the problem that distribution lists are not usable in Outlook because they are not part of the active sync protocol.
One idea is:
If there are only single users using their own distribution lists you can store the distribution lists to a PST file and add this to your Outlook. I’d like to have some type of sync mechanism for this option which is triggered by changes in the PST file or by changing / creating a distribution list in the Kopano contacts.More ideas to collect?
I need some information for another idea:
What happens if I write a mail in Outlook and send it? Is Kopano handling the mail?
The idea is: Maybe Kopano can generate a generic “simple” address for each distribution list in the contacts. This address can be synced with Outlook. So Outlook can use this address as destination of a mail. By Kopano handling this mail the generic address is replaced by the matching distribution list and then sent to the recipients.
So one can send mails via distribution lists in Outlook (but it is not possible to create and edit them).