python add category to contact
I would like to synchronise contacts from a database to kopano.
It works quite well so far, but I have problems to add categories.This piece of code works well with all the other extra properties (like PR_CITY, PR_EMAIL, …):
if key in extra: if value: new_item.mapiobj.SetProps([SPropValue(extra[key], value)])
The values are strings and when I set the category property it creates a list of single characters of that string.
you can see that in my log file:2018-10-29 11:21:02,367 [MainThread ] [INFO ] - Field changed: PR_CATEGORIES, now: KUNDE/Kunde, before: ['K', 'U', 'N', 'D', 'E', '/', 'K', 'u', 'n', 'd', 'e']
which is obviously not what I want to do.
These wrong categories are also not shown in the Webapp. I also tried it with just one letter2018-10-29 11:08:08,694 [MainThread ] [INFO ] - Field changed: PR_CATEGORIES, now: A, before: ['A']
Didn’t work either and is also not shown in Webapp.
So, how to add categories?
I got a little bit further down the road:
One needs to add a list object instead of a string.
Something like this: [‘01/Baustellengemeinkosten’, ‘02/Abbrucharbeiten’, ‘STATIK/Statiker’]However, the Webapp still doesn’t show the categories I add.
When I check the property of the contact I can see that they are added correctly, but the Webapp doesn’t show anything. What could be reason for this? -
I wrote this little script to show me all categories of my contacts:
import kopano from MAPI.Util import * from datetime import datetime from MAPI.Struct import MAPINAMEID from MAPI.Tags import ( PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS ) from MAPI import MNID_STRING, MAPI_CREATE NAMED_PROP_CATEGORY = MAPINAMEID(PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS, MNID_STRING, u'Keywords') server = kopano.Server() store = server.public_store contacts = store.folder("TEST-Kontakte") extra = {"PR_DISPLAY_NAME_FULL": 0x8130001f, "PR_EMAIL": 0x8133001f, "PR_CATEGORIES": 0x850d101f, # "PR_CATEGORIES": 0x85020000, "PR_PRIVATE": 0x81a6000b, "PR_COUNTRY": 0x80f9001f, } def getprop(item, myprop): try: if item.prop(myprop).typename == 'PT_UNICODE': return item.prop(myprop).value.encode('utf-8') elif item.prop(myprop).typename == 'PT_SYSTIME': epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) return (item.prop(myprop).value - epoch).total_seconds() elif item.prop(myprop).typename == 'PT_I4': return int(item.prop(myprop).value) else: return item.prop(myprop).value except (MAPIErrorNotFound, kopano.errors.NotFoundError): return None def print_contact(contact, country, cats): print(, country, cats, ) print(contact.categories) proptag = contact.mapiobj.GetIDsFromNames([NAMED_PROP_CATEGORY], MAPI_CREATE)[0] print(hex(proptag)) for i, contact in enumerate(contacts): try: country = getprop(contact, extra['PR_COUNTRY']).decode() except AttributeError: country = None try: cats = getprop(contact, extra['PR_CATEGORIES']) except AttributeError: cats = None print_contact(contact, country, cats)
And I found out that in extra[‘PR_CATEGORIES’] is something else than in contact.categories
So it seems as if 0x850d101f is the wrong code and the above script shows, that it should be 0x85020000 instead.
However, when I use that, my getprop function doesn’t work anymore. It doesn’t expect to get a, line 266:
<class ‘tuple’>: (<class ‘TypeError’>, TypeError(“unhashable type: ‘list’”,), None)But even if it would work, I can’t write the property to 0x85020000:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 226, in <module> main(logger) File "", line 213, in main kopano.insert(to_add) File "/tmp/pycharm_project_135/", line 197, in insert new_item.mapiobj.SetProps([SPropValue(0x85020000, categories)]) File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/", line 407, in SetProps return _MAPICore.IMAPIProp_SetProps(self, cValues) TypeError: ulPropTag has unknown type 0
Any ideas?
I found it by myself.
I just used the same code as in = new_item.mapiobj.GetIDsFromNames([NAMED_PROP_CATEGORY], MAPI_CREATE)[0] proptag = CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(proptag, PT_MV_UNICODE) new_item.mapiobj.SetProps([SPropValue(proptag, categories)])
where categories is a list.
The Problem is solved now - however, I would like to know if the code 0x850d101f has anything to do with categories and if yes, what:
“PR_CATEGORIES”: 0x850d101fI found it in this script: -
@rgsell said in python add category to contact:, line 266:
<class ‘tuple’>: (<class ‘TypeError’>, TypeError(“unhashable type: ‘list’”,), None)The hash() is a built-in python method, used to return a unique number . This can be applied to any user-defined object which won’t get changed once initialized. This property is used mainly in dictionary keys .
TypeError: unhashable type: ‘list’ usually means that you are trying to use a list as an hash argument. This means that when you try to hash an unhashable object it will result an error. For ex. when you use a list as a key in the dictionary , this cannot be done because lists can’t be hashed. The standard way to solve this issue is to cast a list to a tuple .